
From 2023, NTNU is a part of the AuroraSpace program, where we aim to collaborate across the Nordic areas of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. The description below is from the Interreg Aurora program's description of AuroraSpace.


The Interreg Aurora funded project Boosting Space Business – the Aurora Region Space Economy Ecosystem (AuroraSpace) main objective is to boost space business and therefore enhance the space innovation ecosystem. The goal is that in the end of the project, an evolved space innovation ecosystem will exist that supports smart specialization in space and maximizes the probability for growth with new businesses created. The project consortium of university and research institutes focuses on the enhancing of the space innovation ecosystem in the Interreg Aurora programme area for new business creation. There is a need for supporting space education components both at the higher education level for SME/start-up development but also at the societal level so a broadern understanding of the importance can be accomplished.

The project has been appointed as an Operation of Strategic Importance by the Interreg Aurora Programme. This means a project which provides a significant contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the Interreg Aurora Programme.

The University of Vaasa is the lead partner. Other partners are the University of Tromsø as lead partner in Norway, as well as the following universities from Sweden, Finand and Norway:

  • Umeå universitet
  • Luleå tekniska universitet
  • Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
  • Svenska handelshögskolan
  • Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö
  • Oulun yliopisto
  • VAMK Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu
  • Ilmatieteen laitos
  • Nord universitet

Main web page:

Summary of activities 2023 and 2024 (for NTNU)

  • Contribution to the Finnish Winter Satellite Workshop in Helsinki
  • Workshop promoting space industry and education together with Andøya Space Education in Trondheim
  • Regular coordination meetings between national parties as well as the full consortie
  • PhD-students taking courses at Aalto University
  • Outreach activities promoting space possibilities at relevant conferences such as Spaceport Norway and Norwegian Microsatellite forum

Funding sources

Co-funded by Interreg Aurora, and Nordland fylkeskommune.